Final Project, Final Post

This is it! The final post for this project!

We busted our rear ends, and cranked out some high quality work. We had all of our models done, textured, and UV'd and ready to export to Unity. Well, okay mostly. We ran into some hiccups and learning curve issues with the software, and some of the models needed some last minute cleanup, but those were small issues!

Throughout the process, each member of the team stayed ahead of the assignment, communicated well, sought out assistance as needed, and worked very well together. I would have both of them on my team in future projects.

Here are the final images for each of the buildings in our scene:

The church: Only issue I had when importing the church was that I didn't know how to work the terrain editor in Unity. Once I nailed it down, I managed to add some elevated ground around the tombstones, to give the appearance of graves.

The cantina: Joseph had some issues with his cantina, most of which he was able to fix, but we didn't have time to correct the last one. His second floor wrap around balcony was see-through from the bottom, his ground floor porch was set slightly lower than the rest of his model, which caused it to look like the building was floating. I fixed the floating building issue with my newfound terrain editing skills. He fixed the see-through porch, but that created a problem with z-fighting, which we did not have time to repair.

and the house: Elizabet did a good job building the model, however, she had some major issues with the way the walls lined up, or rather, did not line up! We couldn't see the problem in Maya, but once in Unity, it stood out severely. She also had several see-through objects, and because Joseph and I were working on this while she was working, we couldn't wait for her to get off work and fix it herself. So, while Joseph was making repairs to his model, I went in and repaired Elizabet's. This took about 2 1/2 hours total, which isn't bad considering how much I needed to do, but I was happy to do it, and I made sure to let her know what I did. The repairs took her well over the triangle limit, so I had to remove two of her vases. Like I stated before, round things use a LOT of triangles.

In the end, it turned out really well

Our final scene, with all of the objects in it:

The last thing I wanted to do was grab some footage of me walking around in the scene. I downloaded some screen capture software, recorded it at the highest quality resolution I could, and exported as a..wmv file. The compression rate for .wmv files isn't that great, but it was free, so I went with it.

I tried to add it directly to my blog page, but that process further compressed it, and it became almost unwatchable. so I uploaded it to my youtube channel, and it's still a little choppy, but it's better.

Here is the link:

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