Final Project, Week 1

This final project, we were tasked with choosing between three recently released games and create a scene from one of those games.We were assigned to groups, and each member is required to build their own structure within that theme. At the end of the project, all three structures will be brought into the same scene, and will be plugged into a Unity game engine, where the "player" will be able to walk around in our scene and observe the structures we've built in a game environment.

Our group, number 10, consists of myself, Elizabet Ochoa, and Joseph Mackey. As I am already in charge of another project in another class, I asked Joseph if he would take the position of Project Manager, and if Elizabet agreed. They were fine with that, and we proceeded to look at our options. The choices were, Red Dead Redemption, Overwatch, and Fallout 4. We discussed it, and decided on Red Dead Redemption, a shoot em up in the Old West.

We looked at several options for building styles in the American Southwest, and we all wanted to do a Spanish Colonial style town in adobe. I chose a church, Joseph selected a saloon, and Elizabet decided on a home. This first week, we are mostly looking for reference art and textures.

Here are some reference examples of what I have found:

and here are some initial textures:

A door I like
A possible wall texture 
 Another possible wall texture
 A window
Wood for floors, beams, etc.

I'll be getting started right away on this!

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