Final Project, Week 3

Well, after the strong intro last week, you would think I was close to done, but you would be incorrect! This week, I added many details to the model, to give it some life and make it seem more realistic. I have reached the limit of triangles I am allowed for this project (5000), and I now consider the layout and construction complete.

Here is a shot of my church in its final model form:

I added a courtyard with a cemetery and an entry which matches the bell tower. I also added some wall sconces and tombstones, as well as some wooden crosses in the graveyard. I'm hoping to add some light sources in the game engine at the wall sconces, but I'll need to gauge my time management for that. I will also be adding a terrain in the game engine, with some vegetation and elevation changes to give the area some depth.

I'm not adding fully rendered images this time, to save some time. There are some particle effects going on in the scene in Maya, but those should disappear in the Unity game engine. The bell is particularly patchy, but that goes away as you get closer to the object,

Here is another shot of the church,from lower down:

I may have mentioned the bell in my last post, but I didn't add a close up shot, so here is one for the record. I'm proud of it, even though it is responsible for 1/3 of my triangles.

I want to give you a close up of the wall sconces. They weren't difficult to do, and they have a decent texture, but I have not UV'd them, so there is some undesirable stretching. Considering that there are a few of these at eye level, I want them to look their best.

One more image, this one is of the courtyard up close, to show the tombstones and crosses.

With all of that being said, we have a week off from school for the Thanksgiving holiday, and I will be redoing ALL of the textures and UVs for each object in my scene. I will be looking for better resolution, a more seamless texture across the board, no unnecessary stretching in the textures, and a color that is more consistent with my team members'.

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