Table and Chair

In this assignment, we had to build a table and chair according to carpenter's schematics. Having done some carpentry with my family, I had no trouble with the building. It actually went rather smoothly, especially because I realized fairly quickly that I was working in dimensional lumber, which is not measured according to the specs.

I tackled the chair first. It consisted of 6 apron boards, 2 shorter front legs, 2 longer back legs, and 2 connecting rails at the top of the back legs. The seat was made up of 5 slats, separated by 1/8 of an inch. I chose to do individual slats, so that the light would shine through. If you look closely at the second image below, you will see the lines of light in the chair's shadow. This is more apparent in the table's shadow.

The table was slightly easier, as it consisted of fewer pieces. 4 legs, 4 apron boards, and 4 11-inch slats, separated by 1/3 of an inch. I chose to do separate slats again for lighting purposes.

When it came to texturing the wood, I would have liked to spend more time making separate textures for each piece of wood, but to save time, I layered the textures for similar pieces on the same sections of the texture, which unfortunately makes for a repetitive look. I also had an issue with the bump map on a couple of the boards throwing too much shadow in certain places.

Here are the two snapshots I took of the final pieces.I put in a floor and three walls in order to have something for shadows to land on, and to not have a solid black background.

Where I ran into trouble was navigating the texturing process, as it is still somewhat cumbersome for me, but I'm sure it will get more smooth as I practice. This is still a time consuming process, and that is what I had the most trouble with, finding enough time to complete the project. Also, this was my first occasion playing with lighting

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