
Another week gone by, and I've managed to put together some nice shaders and textures for my scene. I created a pretty cool ceiling that I'm rather pleased with and a mirror and more windows for the layout and composition. Once I've got all of my texturing done, I'll be able to tweak the lighting, and some bump maps to various objects, and really put some finishing touches on this project!

Here are some UV maps of various objects in the scene:

The Fork:

The Spoon:

and the Ceiling Tiles: The recessed tiles are overlapped one on top of the other, the smaller faces shown are the dividers in the ceiling, and will have a separate texture in the final shot.

Here is a render of my scene. I had textured the walls, but I wasn't happy about the end result, and will be re-doing that.

Next week there will be so much more to show off!

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