Dining Scene UVing and Texturing

Here is my update to the Diner Scene, with about half of the UVing and Texturing done. This is a tedious, but necessary process. I have the booth and all of the table settings complete, and will move on to the remainder of the room, such as walls, floor, ceiling and the ground outside. There is also the counter tops, bar stools and the jukebox, which may or may not stay in the scene, depending on how complicated it's going to be to do. Once this stage is complete, I can go through and duplicate the booths, lambs, bar stools, and waiting area seats. I want to add more windows, some doors, and a mirror on one wall. The mirror is probably going to be the most complex shader, but I'm looking forward to it!

Here are the UV snapshots, which show some of the pieces and how they are covered by the textures I've currently selected:

This is for the table. Pretty straight forward. I separated the top and bottom, and then overlayed them on top of each other after cutting the sides and unwrapping everything.

Here is the UV snapshot for the seat. It is one UV for the entire piece, but different sections were assigned different textures, which shows up in the rendered shots later on.

This is the UV for the plate. Also very easy. Simply separated the top and bottom, and then overlayed them on top of each other.

Following are some rendered shots of the scene so far, with textures for the booth and tableware.

The table and setups.

Further back and lower angle. You can see more of the seats and the window above the napkin holder. It is transparent, but I have not textured the ground outside as of yet.

A more top down view, with a shot of the hanging light fixture, which is providing the light for the booth. I have two directional lights in the scene as well, in order to help me see what I'm working with, but I will be turning those down later, in order to create the mood I'm looking for in the scene.

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