
This was an extra credit assignment. I needed a few extra points to bring up my grade from a B+, and the extra practice doesn't hurt! The assignment was to build a medieval house, with a limit of 160 triangles, and 7 textures, combined into one 2048 X 2048 UV texture map. Something which looked like this:

I achieved this in under 6 hours, minus breaks, and a couple of UV remapping occasions. I ended up with 128 triangles, not counting the backdrop. I built my texture map with 6 textures, but in the end, only used 5 of them. I could have gone back and redone the UVs, but I don't think I would have benefited from the slight increase in resolution.

Here is the final UV texture map:

and the bump map to add some depth:

The only problem I ran into was having to redo the odd shaped polygons on the upper end walls. This was a challenge.

Once everything was done, I took the final beauty renders, then I did the ambient occlusion renders, and composited them in my Krita software, which is a free Photoshop clone, albeit lacking in certain features.

Here are the ambient occlusion shots:

Here are the beauty shots:

Here are the composited renders:

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